Chris Skidmore

#42: Eros, Psyche & The Golden Ass

Episode Summary

In episode 42, we take a deep dive into the realm of myth with insightful and heartfelt Chris Skidmore. As an astrologer, psychotherapist and host of the On the Souls Terms Podcast, Chris helps illuminate the meaning and embedded knowledge hidden inside the 1800 year old Roman novel: The Golden Ass. This text is where the first telling of The Marriage of Eros and Psyche is found. Together, Chris and your show host Jef Szi take an extended journey into these rich and poignant tales that are saturated with symbolism, archetypes, relatable folly, and knowledge that help us make sense of our own human condition.

The show begins with Chris sharing about his recent trip to Greece and Italy—the actual landscape where these stories took place. From there we build a Jungian context in the spirit of Marie Louis Von Franz before a recounting of The Golden Ass, where the main character, Lucius, accidently ends up being turned into an ass. Caught is ass-form, Lucius experiences a great deal of folly and suffering. Moved by the elements in the story, Chris and Jef explore the meaning and medicine this overlooked tale offers as we seek to reconcile our own lives with the greater forces and events we experience.

Next, they then turn their attention the Psyche and Eros story. Recounting the events of this monumental myth around love and soul, they drink deeply from the profound images and details found there. In particular, we come to see how this myth offers insights and teaching into the journey of love, of maturation, and our complex dynamics that come with individuation.

With a superb attention to the heart along with beautiful renderings and teachings found in The Golden Ass and The Marriage of Eros and Psyche, Chris offers us perspective on our humanity while simultaneously fostering our connection to the artistic and soulful roots of the ancient Greco-Roman imagination.

About Chris Skidmore: Chris Skidmore is a psychotherapist, astrologer, biodynamic cranial-sacral therapist who resides in Bali. He is also the host of On The Soul’s Terms Podcast. You can learn more about Chris work and check-out his podcast by going to his website.

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