Jef Szi
Bonus Episode #02
Dreaming on Mother Earth
Episode Summary
In Dreaming On Mother Earth show host Jef Szi weaves a morning dream with a figure of illness into an episode about personal and collective passages.
Beginning by recounting his lifelong connection to his dreaming-self, as well as a handful of some of the dreams that came along in key moments of his life, Jeffrey then lays the ground to look at the figure of illness as a teacher for the unwanted initiation that we are all caught up in with the increasing sense of stress in the world.
Relying on personal moments where the planet Venus seemed to make herself known, Jeffrey relays how not only Venus but dreams, vision quests and studies into stress gave him his most profound teaching about how stress works inside of us. It turns out that hidden inside our stress response lives the wise voice of the earth herself. And yet the voice tends to be opaque to us for reasons spelled out in the show.
At the end of the show, Jeffrey invites the listeners to engage in simple acts that help us re-anchor to the rhythms of the earth. Because in such acts the wisdom of the earth becomes more clear and in such times as ours we need such a deep sense of belonging to our home planet.
Image art by Stefan Keller